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美国 | 移民局发布I-485重大新规,需要提交I-693体检表!

文章来源:本站原创   编辑:admin   时间:2024-12-06   浏览次数:73

USClS Now Requires Report oflmmigrationMedicalExamination and Vaccination Recordto be Submitted with Form l-485 for CertainApplicants
Release Date :12/02/2024
We now require certain applicants filing Form 1-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or AdjustStatus, to submit Form 1-693, Report of lmmigration Medical Examination and Vaccination Record, with theilForm 1-485 or the Forml-485 may otherwise be rejected.
Applicants for adjustment of status generally must complete an immigration medical examination and allrequired vaccinations and submit a properly completed Form 1-693 signed by a civil surgeon to show they are freefrom health conditions that would render them inadmissible under the health-related grounds.
If you are required to submit Form 1-693, or a partial Form 1-693 (such as the Vaccination Record), you mustsubmit it with your Form 1-485. 0therwise, we may reject your Form 1-485. We have revised the Form 1-485instructions to make filing the two forms together a requirement.
We have made this change to reduce the number of Requests for Evidence we issue before adjudicating a Form 1-485.
Additional information on the immigration benefits that require an immigration medical examination andvaccinations, and whether a civil surgeon or panel physician should conduct the immigration medicalexamination is available in Vol. 8, Part B, Chapter 3 - Applicability of Medical Examination and VaccinationRequirement of the USClS Policy Manual.

  这一新规明确了移民体检(immigration medical examination)在申请流程中的重要性。根据美国移民法律,所有移民申请人在获得审批结果之前,必须通过规定的身体健康检查,并完成一系列必要的疫苗注射。而1-693表正是用于记录这些体检和疫苗接种信息的官方文件。以前,I-485申请人可以在没有体检的情况下提交申请,并等待进一步补充材料通知 (RFE),再补充提交体检报告和疫苗接种记录。此次新规明确了,从12月2日起,提交I-485表格调整身份的申请人,需完成移民体检和所有必需的疫苗接种,并提交由民事外科医生签名且正确填写的I-693表格,以表明他们没有因健康相关原因而导致他们不被允许入境的健康状况。这些文件的正确提交对于避免申请被拒绝至关重要。

Chapter3 -Applicability of MedicalExamination and VaccinationRequirement
GuidanceResources (10)Appendices (0)Updates (8)History_(2)
A. Requirements by Benefit TypeMedical examination and vaccination requirements vary depending on the immigrationbenefit the person is seeking.
Most applicants subject to medical grounds ofinadmissibility must undergo a medicalexamination to determine their admissibility. Some applicants, however, do not need toundergo a medical examination unless there is a specific concern. Nonimmigrants, forexample, are in this category.
Even if the applicant is not subject to health-related grounds of inadmissibility, the officermay still order a medical examination as a matter of discretion if the evidence indicatesthat there may be a public health concern.[1l This could apply, for example, when anofficer adjudicates a request for parole.[2]

  此外,USCIS表示,此次修改旨在提高审理效率,减少在裁定I-485表之前发出的证据要求(Requests for Evidence,RFE)的数量。这一举措将加快移民申请的审批速度,为符合条件的申请人提供更加便捷的服务。

