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文章来源:本站原创   编辑:admin   时间:2024-10-21   浏览次数:53

USClS lssues New Guidance on EB-1 EligibilityCriteria for Individuals with ExtraordinaryAbility
Release Date : 10/02/2024
U.S. Citizenship and lmmigration Services is issuing, policy guidance in our Policy Manual to further clarify thetypes of evidence that we may evaluate to determine eligibility for extraordinary ability (Ell) EB-l immigrant visaclassifications.
This policy guidance:
* Confirms that we consider a person's receipt of team awards under the criterion for lesser nationally orinternationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence in the field of endeavor.
*Clarifies that we consider past memberships under the membership criterion;
* Removes language suggesting published material must demonstrate the value of the person's work andcontributions to satisfy the published material criterion; and
Explains that while the dictionary defines an "exhibition" as a public showing not limited to art, the relevantregulation expressly modifies that term with "artistic," such that we will only consider non-artistic exhibitionsas part of a properly supported claim of comparable evidence.
This new guidance builds on a previous EB-l policy.update, providing more clarity and transparency to assistpetitioners in submitting appropriate evidence that may establish the beneficiary's eligibility.
This policy update is effective immediately and is controlling, and supersedes any related prior guidance on thetopic. For more information, see the Policy Manual, Volume 6. Part F. Chapter 2.


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